sabato 31 gennaio 2015

Colors, colors, on my hands :)))

Un giorno stavo intervistando un petroliere, ero interessata ai conti delle sue raffinerie. Invece di concentrarsi a rispondere, quest'uomo era rapito dallo smalto azzurro delle mie mani. Devo dire che avevo fatto un lavoro perfetto: base, due mani di colore, top coat. Questa volta, causa circolo vizioso lavoro-figli-lavoro-figli, il tempo di eseguire una manicure come si deve mancava. Per fortuna che gli smalti di Opi qui sotto hanno colori intensi, è bastata una sola mano. Mi piace usare il top coat anche da solo, per un effetto vedo-non-vedo...
Il giorno che ho steso i colori, la mano destra era rossa, la sinistra viola: i colleghi al lavoro mi guardavano con aria strana. Ho pensato: mica solo le fashion blogger possono ideare look diversi, no???

One day I was interviewing an oilman, I was interested in the accounts of its refineries. Instead of focusing on replying, this man was fascinated by blue nailpolish of my hands. I must admit that I had done a perfect job: Base, two coats of color, top coat. This time, due to the vicious circle work-children-work-children, the time to perform a good manicure lacked. Fortunately, Opi nail polishes have intense colors, one coat was enough. I like to use the top coat even alone, for a light effect. The day I painted the nails in the pics below, the right hand was red, the left purple: My colleagues at work looked at me with a strange air. I thought that not only fashion bloggers can show different outfits, right???

Just one coat, lack of time... On the little finger, the top coat, I love it alone :)
The day before this pic, I had my nail cut while I was making my son's bed...

Here too: No time, just one coat. Life can be so complicated...

Thanks to my son Lorenzo, 8 years, who took this last pic of me :)))
