Si agita, si apre e si appoggia
sulle labbra tante volte per rendere il colore più intenso. E’ Juicy Shaker, la novità di Lancome.
Un gloss bifasico dal profumo fruttato che contiene un concentrato di colore e olii
ammorbidenti e lenitivi (nocciola, pesca, mandorla, rosa moscata). Innovativo l’applicatore
cushion: sembra una zampina di micio che coccola le labbra…
Teint Idole Ultra Compact è un fondotinta compatto pensato per regalare un finish ultra matte e
durare molte molte ore. Ha una texture impalpabile, ammetto che non secca la
pelle sensibile come la mia ed è molto modulabile. In questo modo posso ridurre
le imperfezioni, come un paio di macchie solari sugli zigomi. Questo grazie ad
un’elevata concentrazione di perlite (25%), polvere minerale vulcanica che
assorbe sebo e lucidità.
Molto interessante il contorno
occhi, Effacernes Long Tenue, per il
suo elevato grado di coprenza (io ho le occhiaie color mirtillo … ) che però
non appesantisce quest’area delicata grazie agli olii volatili e all’acido
ialuronico. Ottimo l’Spf 30+ :)))
Shake, open and apply many times to make the color more intense. It’s Juicy Shaker, new from Lancome. A
biphasic gloss with a fruity fragrance
that contains a concentrate of color and softening and soothing oils (hazelnut,
peach, almond, rose muscat). The
innovative cushion applicator looks like a pussy paw that pampers the lips ...
Teint Idole Ultra Compact is a compact foundation thought to give an ultra matte finish and last for many many hours. It has a very fine texture, I admit that it does not dry my sensitive skin and is very adaptable letting me reduce the visibility of my two spots on the cheekbones. This thanks to a high concentration of perlite (25%), a volcanic mineral powder that absorbs sebum and lucidity.
Very interesting Effacernes Long Soft, the eye contour, for its high degree of opacity (I have dark bluish circles ... ). It but does not weigh on this delicate area because of volatile oils and hyaluronic acid. Great the SPF 30+ shield :)))
Teint Idole Ultra Compact is a compact foundation thought to give an ultra matte finish and last for many many hours. It has a very fine texture, I admit that it does not dry my sensitive skin and is very adaptable letting me reduce the visibility of my two spots on the cheekbones. This thanks to a high concentration of perlite (25%), a volcanic mineral powder that absorbs sebum and lucidity.
Very interesting Effacernes Long Soft, the eye contour, for its high degree of opacity (I have dark bluish circles ... ). It but does not weigh on this delicate area because of volatile oils and hyaluronic acid. Great the SPF 30+ shield :)))
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In 13 different shades |
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The first Shaker was invented
by Armand Petitjean, who founded Lancome in 1946
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The first Teint Idole was created in 1997 |
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A new eyecontour in five shades |
Thanks to my son Lorenzo, 9 years, who took the last pics of me :)))