martedì 26 luglio 2016

Burberry makeup, my love :)))

Intensi e nel contempo delicati: sono i colori Burberry makeup per l'estate. Un bel rosa acceso su guance e labbra oppure, in alternativa, un corallo da applicare anche su mani e piedi. Perfetti anche a settembre di rientro dalle ferie, ancora abbronzate :)))

Intense and delicate in the same time are the colors from Burberry makeup for the summer. A beautiful hot pink on cheeks and lips or, alternatively, a coral to apply also on hands and feet. Perfect also in September once returned from holidays, still tanned :) ) )
A smart pack, rose on  cheecks, white powder to enligthen the under-eye area, forehead and nose

A great moisturizing lipstick

A lovely shade on lips, semi-matte finish, long-lasting color

Thanks to my son Lorenzo, 9 years, who took these last pics of me :)))
