lunedì 3 settembre 2018

Gabrielle Chanel, the new campaign

L'attrice Italiana Valentina Bellè, nota per il suo ruolo nella serie televisiva “I Medici – Masters of Florence”, è uno dei volti scelti da Chanel per la nuova campagna digitale della linea bagno della fragranza Gabrielle Chanel composta da Shower Gel, Body Lotion e Deodorante.

Come diceva Gabrielle Chanel: “Decisi chi volevo essere ed è quello che sono”, espressione di una donna appassionata e ribelle. Nove sono le donne scelte da Chanel per questa campagna, che rappresentano una lettera a testa della parola Gabrielle...


The Italian actress Valentina Bellè, known for her role in the television series "The Medici - Masters of Florence", has been selected by Chanel for the launch of the Gabrielle Chanel fragrance bath line composed of Shower Gel, Body Lotion and Deodorant.

As Gabrielle Chanel said: "I decided who I wanted to be and who I am", the expression of a passionate and rebellious lady. Nine women took part in this digital campaign, expressing themselves through the spirit of Gabrielle, one letter at a time...

Claire Laffut is a belgian artist

Adesuwa Aighewi is a Nigerian-Chinese model

Caroline de Maigret is a French model and music producer

Mette Towley is an American dancer

Phoebe Tonkin is an Australian actress

Ouyang Nana is a Taiwanese musician

Diana Pozharskaya is a Russian actress

Kilo Kish is an American singer, songwriter, visual artist, painter, fashion and textile designer

Valentina Bellè, Italian actress known for her role in the TV-show "Medici - Masters of Florence" (2017)