Prima della DD stendo Galénic Ophycée, Rughe + Pelle perfetta, un fluido azzurrino leggero dove micro-capsule ad effetto camouflage attenuano le
imperfezioni assieme a polveri
soft-focus. L’estratto
assoluto di alghe blu ha invece effetto antiaging e fa al caso mio... I due prodotti combinati sono un grande aiuto per il viso :)))
A DD cream that colors in a delicate way, evens out the complexion, protects from the sun (SPF 25), has hydrating effect: 4 in 1. And has a light texture, thanks to dry oils. It's Galénic DD Teint Lumiere, a great ally of those who do not have time, can be applied with your fingers. I also like Galénic because it's a French brand very attentive to sensitive skins like mine.
Before the DD I put Galénic Ophycée, Wrinkles + Perfect skin, a bluish light fluid where micro-capsules and soft-focus powder diminish imperfections. The extract of blue algae has instead antiaging effect and is just right for me ... The two products combined are a great help to my face :)))
Before the DD I put Galénic Ophycée, Wrinkles + Perfect skin, a bluish light fluid where micro-capsules and soft-focus powder diminish imperfections. The extract of blue algae has instead antiaging effect and is just right for me ... The two products combined are a great help to my face :)))
Thanks to my son Lorenzo, 9 years, for this last pic of me :)))