Gli smalti hanno un colore saturo, sono molto densi ma facilmente stendibili, basta una sola passata. Mi raccomando di usare poco prodotto e di proteggerlo alla fine con un glossy top coat. A me sono durati due giorni prima di incrinarsi in punta, considerando che lavoro sulla tastiera 12 ore al giorno e ho figli piccoli :)
Drops of fuchsia nail polish on a mountain cyclamen leaf: They belong to Thank Glogg, It's Friday, one of the 12 shades of the new collection by Opi, Nordic. The other color I tried is a very warm golden Christmas shade, Opi with a Nice Finn-ish.
The nail polishes have a saturated color, are very dense but easily to apply. Just once is enough. I highly recommend you use a little product and protect it at the end with a glossy top coat. It lasted two days before cracking on the top, but please notice that I work on the keyboard 12 hours a day and I have young children :)
Thanks to Lorenzo, my-8-year-old boy, who took this last pic of me :)