Da qualche settimana sto usando la linea Tonucia per ridare un po' di energia ai miei capelli ultra sottili, colorati e ribelli. Il risultato lo vedete in fondo al post.
Tonucia Trattamento intensivo antiage è pensata per chi è sotto stress, mangia male, fuma, vive in grandi città cariche di inquinamento. La linea contiene principi attivi come gli olii essenziali di arancio e lavanda con proprietà tonificanti e stimolanti del microcircolo cutaneo, oltre al cimentrio, un biomimetico che simula il cemento intercellulare (complesso naturale brevettato che ripristina l'integrità dello stelo), oltre a microproteine del grano (riparano la struttura proteica dello stelo).
Lo shampoo è
un gel denso che si trasforma in schiuma morbidissima fra i capelli. La
maschera, che va lasciata un paio di minuti, idrata in profondità e non
appesantisce i capelli fini. Il siero in fiala lo uso una volta la
settimana solo metà dose, è più che sufficiente per me: va massaggiato
alle radici senza risciacquare. L'effetto combinato anche solo di due
dei tre elementi è evidente subito :)
Rene Furterer combines natural ingredients and biotechnology research. I like that match. Behind it is the French pharmaceutical group Pierre Fabre.For some weeks I've been using the Tonucia line to give a little energy to my ultra thin, colorful and rebel hair. The result you can see the bottom of the post.Tonucia anti-aging intensive treatment is designed for people who are under stress, eat badly, smoke, live in big cities full of pollution. The line contains active ingredients such as essential oils of orange and lavender with properties toning and stimulating the cutaneous microcirculation, in addition to cimentrio, a biomimetic that simulates the intercellular cement (a patented natural complex), in addition to the microproteins of wheat (riparing the protein structure of the stem).The shampoo is a thick gel that turns into soft foam in the hair. The mask, that should be left on a few minutes, moisturizes and does not weigh down fine hair. I apply the serum vial once a week only half the dose, it is more than enough for me. Please massage it into the roots without rinsing. The combined effect of only two out of the three products is evident immediately :)
Rene Furterer combines natural ingredients and biotechnology research. I like that match. Behind it is the French pharmaceutical group Pierre Fabre.For some weeks I've been using the Tonucia line to give a little energy to my ultra thin, colorful and rebel hair. The result you can see the bottom of the post.Tonucia anti-aging intensive treatment is designed for people who are under stress, eat badly, smoke, live in big cities full of pollution. The line contains active ingredients such as essential oils of orange and lavender with properties toning and stimulating the cutaneous microcirculation, in addition to cimentrio, a biomimetic that simulates the intercellular cement (a patented natural complex), in addition to the microproteins of wheat (riparing the protein structure of the stem).The shampoo is a thick gel that turns into soft foam in the hair. The mask, that should be left on a few minutes, moisturizes and does not weigh down fine hair. I apply the serum vial once a week only half the dose, it is more than enough for me. Please massage it into the roots without rinsing. The combined effect of only two out of the three products is evident immediately :)
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After the treatment |
Thanks to my son Lorenzo, 10 years, for the last pics of me :)))