What you see here is a beautiful zen garden created by Gabriele, a great lover of bonsai who had different materials shipped from Japan to create this paradise. Here I want to tell you the story of a product essential to make up, the foundation, and that of a red tee I really like. Today, the foundation is completely different than just a few years ago. Perfection Lumière Velvet by Chanel is an example. Why then?
E' un liquido leggero, morbido, un paio di gocce illuminano il viso, uniformano l'incarnato e creano un bell'effetto mat e vellutato. Per questo è adatto all'estate, ma lo sarà ancor di più in autunno. Consiglio di usare un pennello, dosa meglio il prodotto. Con i polpastrelli, invece, si possono coprire le piccole imperfezioni. Un consiglio...
It's a light, soft, liquid, a couple of drops illuminate the face, even out the complexion and create a nice, matte, velvet effect. Therefore, it is suitable for summer, but it will be even more in fall. It's better to use a brush, it applies better the product. With your fingertips, however, you can cover small imperfections. And now I want to share a tip...
I colori sono sei. Di solito scelgo per la mia carnagione chiara il primo o il secondo della gamma. In questo caso l'effetto luminosità del fondotinta tende a schiarire ulteriormente, quindi è meglio optare per una nuance più scura. Nella foto in fondo uso il n° 40, che appare nello swatch ben più scuro della mia pelle. E invece...
The shades are six. I usually choose for my clear complexion the first or second in the range. In this case the brightness effect of the foundation tends to lighten the skin, so it is best to opt for a darker shade. In the photo at the bottom of this post I use No. 40, which appears in the swatch well darker than my skin. But it isn't in fact...
E la tee rossa? In fondo al post!
And the red tee? Please scroll down!
From left: Perfection Lumière 10, 20, 22 (for winter or very pale skins), 30, 40, 60 (summer, or to get a light golden color) |
I wear Perfection Lumière Velvet n° 40. It seems dark, but, as you can see, it isn't at all! |
By the way, the photographer of the the pic above is Lorenzo...